Just a place to log my here and there thoughts.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How do you feel?

I have been feeling quite strange lately that I can't even name what I am feeling... It's kind of complex, mixed-in feelings. And it reminds me of a movie "Way of Peaceful warrior" and its scenes.
In it, Socretes(Nick Nolte) asked Dan that "Are you Happy?" after Dan told him Socretes that he could ask any question to him. Happiness can be defined in many interpretations depending on individual's background, religion, social life, etc. Then I asked myself that question and honestly, I don't have an answer to that. So probably, the answer is I am not happy.

Sincerely, I think I am just an average person (in terms of education, financial & social POVs) , I guess at least. But I have one weakness that I am bad at expressing my feelings and may be that's the one of reasons I have failed the previous relationships( not to mention being lazy and not ambitious ;o) ).

Another thing is that I have insane amount of work to be done in 2 weeks time and may be my subconscious mind is doing something to me, Anxiety & Panics? I don't know, it's all mixed-in.

I think it's time to make myself being better person than this.