Just a place to log my here and there thoughts.

Friday, January 29, 2010

To get better ....

How are we getting better at the things that we love? In "outlier" book, it said at least "10,000" hours is needed to master something. I think it's about 4 years of daily practise. What I mean by practise is that "Not" doing something that we are already familiar with but doing something harder, solving bigger problems, etc. We need to be diligent and persevere at things we do.

Let's say if we need difficulty level 3 job for our daily routine, we should practise with at least difficulty level 7 or more so that when the harder time comes as level 5, you will have no problem dealing with it. I guess I am saying this in very blunt form but I hope you get what I mean.

In practicing so, different jobs has different requirements. Some might need actual H/W to practise with or some may not. Anyhow, we can use the simulation method to cultivate our mentalities to solve the problems and to make us stronger or better in problem solving.