Just a place to log my here and there thoughts.

Monday, June 8, 2009

How do you finish your things early with good quality?

Well... I have been thinking a lot lately about this and sometimes i could do it and sometimes i couldn't even if i tried to. Then i had this idea of last minute rush thing, i.e. acting like you have to finish the thing in your hand within an hour. It works! All the ideas from this rush flow through my brain and certainly, I could visualize the fastest way(may not be the best) to finish it up.

The reason it doesn't work sometimes is that we couldn't create enough rush, thus ending up with same old pushing the nearly deadline thingy. It's not the new thing and also not that i just found out but i guess it would be nice to write it down somewhere else when i am in mood. That's pretty much it.

Monday, October 27, 2008


There are many sayings we've heard when we were children. My elders used to say that girls are like the shadow that they love to run away when you try to chase them and they will follow you if you try to run away from them.

I am sure most people have already heard of this thing but I am not sure how many of us(guys) have faced the real shadowy situations. When this kind of situations happen, most of us don't know what to do next, including me.

Don't follow/pursue them. Yes, it's as simple as that. But we all know that it's really hard to control your emotion of trying to do the next worst thing(chasing them).

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Healing Depression; random post

After reading this article, I feel like I have to put it in my blog so that some others may read it and hopefully, get something valuable from it.

It's about how to cure depression without taking any clinical meds. And it's quite short.

Above article is really helpful and also I realize that taking omega-3 drinks everyday would be good for our health.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How do you feel?

I have been feeling quite strange lately that I can't even name what I am feeling... It's kind of complex, mixed-in feelings. And it reminds me of a movie "Way of Peaceful warrior" and its scenes.
In it, Socretes(Nick Nolte) asked Dan that "Are you Happy?" after Dan told him Socretes that he could ask any question to him. Happiness can be defined in many interpretations depending on individual's background, religion, social life, etc. Then I asked myself that question and honestly, I don't have an answer to that. So probably, the answer is I am not happy.

Sincerely, I think I am just an average person (in terms of education, financial & social POVs) , I guess at least. But I have one weakness that I am bad at expressing my feelings and may be that's the one of reasons I have failed the previous relationships( not to mention being lazy and not ambitious ;o) ).

Another thing is that I have insane amount of work to be done in 2 weeks time and may be my subconscious mind is doing something to me, Anxiety & Panics? I don't know, it's all mixed-in.

I think it's time to make myself being better person than this.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Steve Yegge's Rebooting is dying article

Steve yegge's Article, really nice one... His opinions about software and its features makes me think of totally different point of views.

One thing, by no means that I am a computer scientist or dealing with CS all the time. But my work, interests and experiences have made me wonder around HN at PG's site and Reddit.

So to be honest, I don't get 100% of what steve is trying to say or explain. But understanding some of this has made me blog out his article.

I think my blogs serve as the reference for blog reading trend.... :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The wonder of Letting Go

I have just read an interesting article that I think I wanna share with anyone who's gonna read my blog. It's called "The Wonder of Letting Go". Amazingly, the writer made a reference to the Buddhist philosophy about life which I am familiar with but rarely practiced. It's about how we are afraid of changes and even if we know it is not going to be pretty, we still tend to cling to those old things instead of making changes. Well.. i guess i shouldn't talk too much but just letting you go there and read it.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Nice article: Finishers wanted!

This one really ticks me as you soon will realize if you read that article below.

Finishers wanted by David Weiss

I know myself that i am interested in many things and as all of us know, we have limited time. We have to say "No" to a bunch of things to do the "best" for us. Well ... it's better to let you read it for yourself.

Here is the poem from the Dave's Post.

Stick to your task ’til it sticks to you;
Beginners are many, but enders are few.
Honor, power, place and praise
Will always come to the one who stays.
Stick to your task ’til it sticks to you;
Bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it, too;
For out of the bend and the sweat and the smile
Will come life’s victories after a while.
—Author Unknown