Just a place to log my here and there thoughts.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions.

Sometimes, we have to make difficult decisions. Some may be necessary and probably some are not. Anyway, it does not take Einstein to understand we all have to face situations like this from time to time if not quite often. The problem is when the time comes, how do we face it? How do we make decisions which aren't biased upon anything? How do we decide which ones are the best for such situations? I guess there are no exact formula or procedures. we do things according to our experience or wisdom or advices (voices from within or from someone else).

It is not easy to have clear head but at least we should remind ourselves to have it when those times come. We all have our own Archillie's heels. Knowing ourselves and letting them out (e.g. anger) in constructive ways will help us a lot in many difficult situations instead of confronting head to head with other parties.

I am sure there may be times that conflict is unavoidable. Some people tend to feel offended easily and some are not. Knowing which one is which will make your life much easier. I don't think we should have our own point of view in every conceivable area but it's extremely important to have a few major ones in one's life. Without them, it will be like living other people lives instead of one's own.

Pushing ourselves is good. But pushing without direction means possibility of heading towards unknown which may be either good or hell. Sometimes, we have choices about how we are going to response but sometimes we just don't have much options left. All we have to do is shove our own complaints up our mouth and face them with "clear head" and "less worries/fear".

Running away may solve the problem in short term, but it makes you feel disgusted about yourself later for being a coward. Eventually, I realized that the only thing matters is how you feel about yourself. That's when the first point(not running away) kicks in. It doesn't matter where you are right now. As long as you feel good about yourselves, you are ok. We are doing fine and we are on the right track. Let your gut feeling sense it. Let your inner light show you the way.

I just remember what I have read from one article. I think the author is Jim Rohm. What he said is "If you keep doing the things that you have always been doing, you will keep getting the things that you have always been getting".

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